HR Quest has been providing crewing services and supplying vessels with competent and
professional seafarers consistently for the past decade. The recent years have seen the expansion of
our crew provision to worldwide regions, such as Gulf of Mexico, Columbia, offshore Angola, South
China sea, Caspian sea, to name a few.
We understand the importance of standards and having the right fit for each role, and we ensure our
compliance to all internal Quality Standards, IMO, ISO, STCW requirements, and each vessel's
manning stipulations.
Our comprehensive service base ranges from selection & interviewing, contract management,
negotiation of terms, pay rolling & insurance to long term crew planning & arrangements.
From coasters to offshore vessels, from roustabouts to catering crews, we draw on our strong
recruitment and industry backgrounds, and our extensive global networks to find the best available
candidates. Qualified candidates are carefully matched with open vacancies and… [WIP]

Office (HQ)
Global Offices: Korea | Qatar | Philippines | India | USA
3 Soon Lee Street
Pioneer Junction
Singapore 627606
T: +65 6570 6571
F: +65 6570 6572
Employment Agency Licence Number: 11C3647